A GROUP of Travellers who illegally set up camp at Ellesmere Port Sports Village have now been ordered to leave the premises.

The unauthorised encampment was set up on privately-owned land on Tuesday (June 4) and includes two caravans.

Following an assessment by the Cheshire and Warrington Traveller Team, the group have been issued with a section 77 notice, directing them to leave.

Part of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, a section 77 notice is one of the main pieces of legislation relating to unauthorised encampments.

Under the section 77, an agreed date will be selected by which the group must leave the location, or risk being served a possession order.

If the group fails to move at this point, they will be committing a criminal offence.

All procedures and powers have to be proportionate and are subject to the Human Rights Act and the Equality Act and can be challenged in Court.