A COFFEE shop described by its management as "Heswall's hidden gem" is celebrating its 25th anniversary.

The Beacon Coffee Shop on Telegraph Road is situated at the top of the hill next to the Methodist Church. It has been run entirely by volunteers for 25 years from within the church and the local community with all profits given to charity.

Manager Marjorie Griffiths said: "From the minute you walk into the café you will know that it is a special place.

"Those who have found us return time and time again to enjoy the wonderful home cooked food and the welcome they always receive."

The Beacon and its customers have recently raised more than £5,000 for Ukraine and over £6,000 for Syria and the Earthquake Appeal - this provided Shelter Boxes which gave much needed shelter to many people who had lost everything.

Marjorie continued: "By just coming for coffee or lunch you will be giving support to so many people less fortunate than yourselves without even realising it.

"There are not many places where you can enjoy delicious food in lovely surroundings and a friendly atmosphere and know that by doing so you are supporting so many worthwhile charities.

"All this happens because local people volunteer in our café. If you talk to them they will tell you how much they love it."

And there is also a recruitment drive for volunteers.

Marjorie said: "If you have a few hours a week to spare, especially if you have a love of cooking and baking, and maybe your children have just left home for Uni, or you are recently retired, and want know more please contact marj.griffiths@gmail.com"

The Beacon Café is open term time only on Tuesday and Friday from 10.30am-2pm.

Marjorie added: "Huge thanks are due to our volunteers and customers who come from far and wide to make the Beacon the huge success it has become.

"Who could imagine that from small beginnings we have helped change the lives of so many people."