A “UNKNOWN” man stole cash from an elderly woman’s handbag while she made him a cup of tea.

On Friday, May 17 police received a report that an unknown man had knocked at the door of a 92-year-old woman’s house on Vernon Avenue in Seacombe and asked if he could have a cup of tea.

Once inside the house the woman went into the kitchen and when she returned the man had gone and a quantity of cash was missing from her handbag.

Merseyside Police said CCTV and house-to-house enquiries have been carried out.

A spokesperson said: “Anyone with information is asked to DM @MerPolCC or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 quoting reference 24000450310.”

Crime prevention advice

Do not open your door if you are unsure who the caller is.
Always make sure you know who visitors are by asking to see their identification.
Never let people into your property if you don't know them
Always keep the key chain on the door whilst talking to callers and always check their ID before letting them into your home.
Genuine callers won't mind you doing this. If callers haven't got valid identification, don't let them in
Bogus callers often pretend to be someone official, for example, from a utility company or the water board. They will also try to distract people by asking for a drink of water or if they can use the toilet. Remember "if in doubt, keep them out"
Remember to close and lock the back door before you answer the front door.
It's a good idea to have a viewer or spy hole and a stout chain fitted to all the external doors to the property
Don't keep large quantities of cash at home. It's better in the bank where it's safe
If someone asks for your help (for example, if they want to make a telephone call or claim to have lost a ball in your garden) always ask a friend or neighbour, or someone else you trust, for help.