THE mother of a Wirral schoolgirl diagnosed with autism has praised the headteacher who has 'gone above and beyond' to support her.

Sabrina Suckley's seven-year-old daughter Esme started at Christchurch Primary in Moreton in November 2022 after struggling to settle at various schools. She said Amanda Donelan headteacher has gone above and beyond to help and support Esme.

After Sabrina's seven-and-a-half year fight to get Esme diagnosed, Mrs Donelan made sure her case was expedited to get her diagnosis quicker, and this happened on April 23 this year.

Sabrina told the Globe: "I've struggled as a parent to get Esme diagnosed with autism within the various schools she previously attended and I was told they never saw Esme display any traits of being on the spectrum.

"I was fully aware as a parent I would need to have her school on board to pursue this further and I just seem to be getting no where with it for a long time.

"I moved Esme to Christchurch Primary School and met Mrs Donelan and I explained all my concerns with my child, and how I felt a fresh start was what we both needed.

"Mrs Donelan was very understanding and listened to what I was concerned about, she told me she would ask the relevant staff to observe her whilst she was in school.

"After a matter of a couple of weeks we had a meeting with various teachers and Mrs Donelan agreed with what I was concerned about from the start, we got the ball rolling and filled in the relevant forms to get Esme on the pathway.

"Mrs Donelan helped me in ways that I thought was impossible, the support and help that was put in place not just for me but for my child was amazing."

Sabrina continued: "Esme has the most caring and amazing relationship with Mrs Donelan which was absolutely lovely to see and know she feels happy and safe with her, without her and her team at Christchurch listening, believing and most of all having them on board with me as a mum.

"I am so honoured we have a very special person helping and fighting our corner for us, if I could give the school and Mrs Donelan an award I genuinely would.

"I always feel like I can approach her and the staff with anything, it's like home from home.

"Now Esme has been diagnosed with ASD the support has still been incredible and I know we all want to help and support Esme as best possible to ensure she has the best and happy future ahead of her."

Esme has been litter picking since the age of three years old and, according to Sabrina, this is something 'she loves doing on her own terms', she cares so much about the environment and wildlife and worries about animals eating rubbish and being poorly.

Esme also bakes cakes for people in the community and this is again something I did with Esme from a very young age, during lockdown Esme asked if we could make cakes for people who work in the shops in Moreton to make them happy.

Two years ago Esme made her own hampers for children who don't get gifts for Christmas, she made five boxes for females, five boxes for males, 10 boxes for children and five for babies.

"Esme has also helped the community Moreton in Bloom from time to time with planting and watering the plants around Moreton, she's such a busy little bee.

"A huge thank you from the bottom of my heart Mrs Donelan, we appreciate you so so much."

Christchurch Primary has been contacted for a response.