A GROUP of 40 volunteers took part in a large scale clean up event at Thurstaston beach.

On Sunday, June 2 a team from the ASEZ WAO group, a young adult volunteer organisation affiliated with the World Mission Society Church of God, came together to remove litter and debris from the beach.

This initiative was part of ASEZ WAO's global Blue Ocean Project, aimed at protecting marine environments and promoting environmental sustainability.

The volunteers, who travelled from various parts of the region, including local members from Wirral, focused on removing litter and debris from the beach to help preserve its natural beauty and protect wildlife.

The event was organised in coordination with Wirral Council with newly appointed Mayor and Mayoress of Wirral, Councillor Cherry Povall JP and Sheila Clarke MBE also in attendance.

The day began with an introduction and safety briefing by the local coastal ranger Frank Bennett.

Equipped with bin bags, litter pickers, and sharps boxes, the volunteers spread out across the beach, diligently collecting rubbish.

Councillor Max Booth, Vice-Chair of the Environment, Climate Emergency, and Transport Committee, said: "We are thrilled to have the support of ASEZ WAO.

“Their enthusiasm and commitment to environmental conservation are truly inspiring."

Bradley Lawton, the lead coordinator for ASEZ WAO, added: "Our team is passionate about making a positive impact on the environment.

“Seeing the community come together for this cause has been incredibly rewarding."