AN ARTIST is asking people to make their mark on locally themed pieces of artwork during the Wirral Open Studio Tour.

Emma Hollingworth, an artist from Little Neston, will be one of 99 artists taking part in the Wirral Open Studio Tour which takes place from June 7 until June 9.

Emma is welcoming visitors to get involved by contributing to two canvases which will display Wirral-themed art.

Wirral Globe: Emma HollingworthEmma Hollingworth (Image: Emma Hollingworth)

She told the Globe: “I’m studio number one and aside from welcoming visitors I’m also inviting everyone to make their own mark on two new pieces.

“They are Wirral-themed and will be in the early stages. Visitors can use prompts and contribute to the works, and once the weekend is done I’ll bring them to completion.”

Wirral Globe: Artwork by Emma HollingworthArtwork by Emma Hollingworth (Image: Emma Hollingworth)

Once completed, Emma hopes to display the pieces before selling or auctioning them to raise money for the local area.

She said: “Canvases can sell for thousands, so I’m really hoping it can help bring a little extra money and joy to Neston and Wirral. 

“I’m also running a giveaway that every visitor to my studio can enter, and prizes include vouchers, art prints, and an original artwork worth hundreds of pounds. 

“Plus I’m giving handouts to every visitor about how looking at and participating in art has health and wellbeing benefits. Hoping it will be a boost for everyone.”