BIRKENHEAD writer and spoken word artist Cath Holland is to perform new work around the subject of the environment and sustainability, at three events in the town over the next month.

In 2021, her piece 'For Sale. One Planet. Well Worn.' was featured in ‘Words from The Brink’, a book of poems and short stories published by the London-based award-winning Arachne Press, tackling the issues of climate change head on.

Since then, she has focused on the subject by viewing it from unique angles. In her new pieces written specially for the forthcoming events, she looks at the positivity and benefits of donating to and buying from, charity shops and jumble sales, and challenges whether the vinyl record boom contributes to problems caused by single use plastics, or whether in fact the practice of record collecting has a long tradition of recycling.

Cath said: "The adage 'We don’t need a handful to do it perfect, we need millions to do it imperfect' in relation to what we do personally to counteract damage to the environment has never been more true.

"Recycling household waste, passing books we’ve read onto family and friends, swapping or selling records we don’t listen to anymore, all these things contribute to the fight against climate change.

"Everyone can do their bit in the everyday, from shopping seasonably to cooking from scratch and reusing bags for life instead of buying new ones.

"Even if an activity or lifestyle change might seem modest, it all adds up."

As part of the Wirral Borough of Culture 2024, Luke Jerram's installation 'Gaia' is coming to Birkenhead Park. Cath appears on Love Your Earth Day, May 29 at 6pm. At Wirral Makefest on June 1 she will be at Williamson Art Gallery and Museums, and Birkenhead Central Library. On June 19, Cath headlines Wordsmithery, and night of poetry and music, at Start-Yard, next to Birkenhead Priory.