THE new Mayor of Neston has been elected.

At the Annual Council Meeting held at Neston Town Hall on Tuesday, May 21 2024, Cllr Sion Jones was elected as Mayor of Neston for the Civic Year 2024/2025.

The outgoing Mayor, Cllr Steve Wastell, thanked the Locum Chief Officer Zoë Dean and the Town Council’s staff team for their hard work, as well as fellow councillors for their support over the past year.

Cllr Sion Jones will now lead the Town Council as its figurehead over the coming 12 months.

He said: “It is an honour to be elected Mayor of Neston Town Council and I would like to thank my colleagues for allowing me this privilege.

“Over the next 12 months I will be working hard to foster closer links between our community’s voluntary groups, charities, and community organisations to improve co-operation and enhance the outcomes of community projects.”

Once the meeting had closed, Cllr Wastell officially handed over the Chains of Office to Cllr Jones in a short ceremony. Cllr Brenda Marple was elected as Deputy Mayor the 2024/2025 Civic year which will be Cllr Marple’s second consecutive year in the role.