Year 7 and 8 students from Mosslands School Wirral returned buzzing from a trip to MACH 2024, the UK's leading manufacturing and engineering exhibition. The event, held at the Birmingham NEC, left a lasting impression on the young minds, solidifying the message: "GB makes things, great things, and they're good at it.”

Witnessing state-of-the-art manufacturing first-hand was an eye-opener for the students. From colossal laser cutters to mind-blowing chocolate-making machines, they saw the incredible variety of materials, precision, and speed involved.

Students were actively encouraged to explore various aspects of manufacturing. They interacted with exhibitors, learning about product design, engineering principles, and the importance of STEM subjects.  Mr Lam, STEM Co-ordinator, "The companies were fantastic, not only discussing their work but also inspiring the students to pursue careers in design and engineering."

The Mosslands team impressed everyone with their conduct and manners. We are incredibly proud of them. This trip was just the beginning. We plan to revisit MACH 2026 with GCSE students, further igniting their interest in this vital and rewarding field.

The day wasn't just informative, it was downright fun! Interactive displays, enthusiastic industry professionals, and endless ideas for future projects left the students brimming with excitement. Who knows, maybe some future engineers and inventors were born at MACH 2024! The future looks bright, and Mosslands is leading the charge with its passionate students and dedicated educators.

Wirral Globe:


World Travel

In March, the Geography trip to Iceland proved to be an unforgettable and enriching experience for GCSE and A-Level students. Amidst Iceland's stunning landscapes and geological features, students delved into the heart of their curriculum, witnessing the aftermath of volcanic eruptions, exploring glacial formations, and seeing first-hand the power of water in creating some of the world's most impressive landforms.

The trip’s highlight was seeing nature in action at Gullfoss waterfall.  Beyond academic enrichment, the trip fostered personal growth, teamwork, and a deeper appreciation for the Earth's processes. Immersed in Iceland's unique environment, students gained valuable insights into global environmental challenges and sustainable solutions. This experiential learning adventure not only enhanced their understanding of geography but also inspired the students, creating a lasting memory.

Wirral Globe:

In recent years students have visited Rome, Normandy, Barcelona, Dortmund, Berlin, New York and we are off to Salzburg, Austria for a skiing trip.

We are very proud of our debating students’ impeccable demeanour and outstanding mien at the recent Debate Mate Cup.

This remarkable group of students secured 1st place in the Novice Cup, after finishing 2nd and 1st in the preceding rounds.  This qualifies them for an exciting trip to a debating event, previous venues include: Oxford University, Bank of America building and Houses of Parliament. One of our pupils asked the “Question of the Day” and was rewarded with a gift voucher.

Wirral Globe:

Our futures

Current students

Mosslands School is buzzing with careers activities! In recent months, we have hosted a bustling Annual Careers Fair with over 25 local employers and universities for students across year groups. Year 11 got a taste of university life with a trip to LJMU and participated in mock interviews to prepare for their next steps. Year 10 students gained valuable work experience through two-week placements, while also attending another LJMU visit focused on Policing Studies. The school further supports students through individual careers guidance meetings for Years 11, 12, and 13, with dedicated sessions for those in the alternative provision base. Parents of these students are also being proactively contacted for additional support.

The school

To ensure that boys in Wallasey have the best chances for the future we are delighted to confirm that the DfE are funding a £30M new build for The Mosslands School, in the heart of the Wallasey community.  Plans are already well underway and the brand-new building will be ready for us to move in to in the near future.  In the coming months we hope to be able to share with you the new school design featuring state-of-the-art community-use sporting facilities, incredible creative art resources and STEM laboratories. 

Message from the headteacher:

“At The Mosslands School, our aim is to nurture well-rounded individuals who can contribute positively to the community and who are equipped to succeed in a technically advanced world.  Relationships are at the heart of what we do and we want all of our students to thrive in a calm and caring environment, and work constantly to achieve this.  I’m very proud of what we stand for and look forward to meeting with you to talk about our broad curriculum, the positive school ethos and values and our extensive enrichment program.”  Headteacher, Adrian Whiteley.

Wirral Globe:

Dates for your diary:

  • Year 4/5 Open Evening

13th of June 2024 6pm – 8pm

  • Transition day for Year 7 intake students

3rd of July 2024

  • Open evening for Year 5 and 6 pupils

19th of September 2024 6pm – 8pm

Make sure you secure a bright future for your Son by expressing your interest in a place at The Mosslands School. 

Wirral Globe: