RESIDENTS' frustration is mounting as rubbish continues to grow on a Wirral street dubbed an “eye sore”.

The waste site situated on the junction of Cavendish Street and Cleveland Street in Birkenhead has seen piles of fly-tipped rubbish for more than five years which residents say “grows each week”.

The site was last occupied by a former waste management firm called Eco Recycling NW Ltd, but it is unclear who is responsible for allowing the waste.

Wirral Globe: Fly tipping on the junction of Cavendish Street and Cleveland StreetFly tipping on the junction of Cavendish Street and Cleveland Street (Image: Mark Harris)

Items such as tyres, mattresses and other household waste can be seen piled up and spilling out onto the pavement.

Resident, Mark Harris, recently contacted the Globe following a story we covered about fly tipping being removed from a derelict pub in Hoylake.

READ: Fly tipping removed from behind derelict Wirral pub

He told the Globe: “Why has the rubbish tipped on Cleveland street/Cavendish street not been removed?

“The piles of fly tipped rubbish have been there for over five years now and continue to grow.

“The council have installed cameras recently on lamp posts but never clear the rubbish.

Wirral Globe: Items such as tyres, mattresses and other household waste can be seen piled up and spilling out onto the pavementItems such as tyres, mattresses and other household waste can be seen piled up and spilling out onto the pavement (Image: Mark Harris)

“It’s a complete eyesore near housing, primary schools and a church.

“They seem unable to take action, meanwhile every week the piles of rubbish grow and grow.

“I cannot believe they clear rubbish from a derelict pub and yet, do nothing with this site, also abandoned and derelict.

“It makes no sense.

“The rubbish grows and grows and often spills out onto the road.

“Been like that for over five years now and nobody seems able to clear it and fence the waste land off.

Wirral Globe: The rubbish is piling up on Cleveland Street in Birkenhead

“The strange thing is that in the last year someone, no one knows who, has erected a new high fence which has stopped the fly tipping there.

“It has double gates and a padlock so it must belong to someone.”

In January this year, the Globe reported about the fly tipping issues on the street. Brian Kenny, ward councillor for Bidston and St James, described the site as an “absolute disgrace” and had repeated calls for the Government’s Environment Agency (EA) to take action and have the tip cleared.

READ:  Call for action to remove 'eyesore' waste tip in Birkenhead

At the time, Cllr Kenny told the Globe: “This has been an absolute disgrace for years and is totally unacceptable.

Wirral Globe:

"I'm getting complaints from residents. The Environment Agency don't appear to be getting to grips with the situation and it is down to them to resolve the issue.

"I understand that the new owners of the site were fined for allowing the area to fall into the state that it has. It seems like years ago since I last reported the state of the site to the Environment Agency.

"The mess needs sorting."

The site is not owned by Wirral Council and is privately owned land.

An Environment Agency spokesperson said:  “We understand how distressing and frustrating sites like this can be for the community.  

“And we will continue to work with our multi-agency partners regarding this site.”

The Environment Agency added that it has “no duty” to clear waste from the land and it is the “responsibility of the landowner”.