A WIRRAL mum whose life changed "for the better" after losing more than eight stone is sharing the secret of her success to help others achieve their dream weight.

Ellie Watson, from Upton, decided in November 2022 that she needed to do something about her weight after seeing a picture of herself taken while on holiday. She then joined a Slimming World group in Upton, run by Jan Saunders.

Fourteen months later after joining Ellie has lost an incredible eight stone and is heading towards her target weight.

The 27-year-old said: "I am so very proud of myself, feeling happier and healthier.

"I remember seeing that picture in November whilst on holiday and I cried, I was so shocked.

"I've been overweight my whole life and got bullied a lot at school, I had accepted that I was overweight and that I always would be.

"But, it was seeing that picture, which was my turning point, I knew something had to change, I didn’t want to feel like this anymore, I wanted to get fit and healthy for me and my little family."

Ellie loves food and loves her weekends, where she gets to adapt her favourite takeaway meals to make them a healthier way.

"I make a real effort at weekends as I have more time, I keep it basic in the week and look forward to making things like tasty Buritto bowls, burgers and chips, chicken chow mein and even a Sunday roast, which really do help to keep me on plan.

Wirral Globe: BEFORE AND AFTER: Wirral mum Ellie Watson lost more than eight stoneBEFORE AND AFTER: Wirral mum Ellie Watson lost more than eight stone (Image: Christine Robinson)"Takeaways always feel like a treat and me and my family don’t feel like we are missing out on our favourite foods. I never feel deprived, I use my sins on sweet treats such as chocolate feeling fully in control. ”

Ellie rarely misses going to the group and is fully committed to staying each week for that vital group support.

Jan, her consultant, said: "I'm so very proud of Ellie and what she’s achieved, she’s amazing and such an Inspiration to everyone in group each week, her dedication to herself is beyond words and she has done so well, transformed her life for the better and we love her positive attitude, proving you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it."

Ellie has also found losing weight has had such a positive impact on her fitness, finding that she is no longer getting breathless or having to take breaks whilst walking up hills, power walking all the way.

Ellie has found a new love for clothes shopping, adding: "I used to hate clothes shopping so tended to order clothes online as I felt embarrassed in the changing area especially if they didn’t fit, it was so depressing." Ellie has changed her life for the better, she didn’t want to be an unhealthy mum limited by her weight.

She has confidence and energy to run around after her little girl now and would encourage anyone who is unhappy with their weight to take that step through the doors of their local Slimming World Group - Do it for you!

If you would like to join Ellie on her journey, then a warm welcome awaits you at Jans Upton Slimming World groups, Friday mornings at Upton Cricket Club, Old Greasby Road, CH49 6LT at 9.30am or 11am and Jan also has Monday groups at Upton Victory Hall, Salacre Lane, CH49 0TL at 9am, 10.30am, 4.30pm & 6pm - call Jan on 07867592122.