AN overnight swim-a-thon and cake sale has been organised to raise much-needed funds to upgrade facilities at a Wirral swimming pool.

The event, in aid of Calday Pool, will be held on Friday, March 8 to Saturday, March 9 from 9:30pm–7am.

Those who are interested in participating are encouraged to register here.

Calday pool was built in 1922 and desperately needs a refurb – with new disability access, a larger reception area and refurbishment of the changing rooms top of the list.

The pool is a registered charity and is funded entirely by donations from the public, members and swimming clubs, so it is reliant on grants and donations to fund the improvements.

A Go Fund me page was created last summer to kick-start the fundraising, so far raising over £7,600, although much more is needed to fund the upgrade.

Calday Swimming Pool manager Gary Lewis said: "The pool’s been a huge part of the community since the 1920s, so it needs to be modernised to enable it to meet current demands. We want everyone to feel welcome here which is why it’s so important that we have the correct facilities."

Heather Lovell, swimming club and Calday Pool Committee member, who is organising the event, said: "Calday Pool is a fantastic facility for the local community groups and swimming club members who regularly use it.

"I used to swim here and worked for one of the swim clubs almost 25 years ago and the building hasn’t changed during that time!

"My daughters now swim here and love it, however the pool facilities urgently need upgrading to bring them up to modern day standards so that the pool continues to serve the local community for generations to come."

If you would like to support Calday Pool with its fundraising efforts, you can donate via the Go Fund me page or email