A WIRRAL woman has described her experiences of trekking across the Himalayas after she helped raise funds for a number of charity projects in Nepal. 

World Vision UK is a humanitarian aid organisation which has been working in Nepal for over 20 years.

Recently a group of World Vision supporters trekked for five days around the Annapurna circuit in Nepal seeing not only stunning views of the peaks but also four transformational World Vision Nepal projects.

One such supporter was Linda Williams, of Willaston, who has been a child sponsor with World Vision for 20 years. 

“The trip was amazing," said Linda. "I did it as I wanted the challenge but also wanted to see the great work World Vision is doing in Nepal.

"It is something that will stay with me for a long time, the memories of the challenge, the sights we experienced and the wonderful people I met along the way.

“The journey really started for me before I even left. The various fundraising activities, such as a coffee morning, an evening of entertainment from a local singer, an afternoon tea, a BBQ and a golf event, not only helped raise the funds but left me amazed at the kindness and generosity of people I hardly knew who wanted to support this fantastic charity.”

Wirral Globe:

A key part of the trip for the supporters was the trekking challenge as well as seeing the work of World Vision.

 “The training was essential," said Linda. "I knew, at the age of 63 and not being particularly athletic that I had to train hard. It didn't come easy for me but remembering why I was doing it helped keep me focused and made me continue, week in and week out, to ensure I was not only physically ready but mentally prepared too,”

Linda continued: “The trek was so hard but also amazing! The support and team effort from everyone, including all the World Vision team, was fantastic.

"We made it to the top of Poon Hill, making good friends with each other. The glorious scenery of the beautiful countryside of Nepal was breath taking and everywhere you looked the sights were just stunning. This also really helped me carry on.

"We got to know the Nepali team that supported the trek quite well. They couldn't do enough for us. They all deserve medals!"

Wirral Globe:

WVI started its long-term development programme in Nepal since 2001 to contribute for well-being of children. At present, WVI Nepal has long-term development programmes in 16 districts

Linda added: “Besides the challenge and having the fantastic opportunity to trek in the Himalayas, visiting the projects was one of the main reasons I wanted to go on the trip. Seeing first-hand how funds from sponsoring children through World Vision can make such a positive difference to the lives of people in local communities was really humbling. 

"If you’re thinking of joining a World Vision Challenge, don't hesitate, it will be one of the best experiences of your life!”

For more information go to: www.worldvision.org.uk/get-involved/events/join-a-challenge-event