A HOUSE in Wirral blighted by criminals, drug dealing and anti-social behaviour has been issued with a closure order.

Police have cracked down on the problem property after numerous complaints about the behaviour of residents in the house at 29 Old Bidston Road in Birkenhead.

Neighbours reported incidents of anti-social behaviour, drug dealing and criminal activity at the address.

Wirral Magistrate’s Court issued a full Closure Order for a period of three months under Section 80 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 on Thursday, February 15 which is now in place until Wednesday, May 15 2024. 

The terms of the Closure Order prevent anyone from entering or living in the property. If anyone is found to be in the property, they are liable to be arrested.

Any breach of this Closure Order carries a potential prison sentence of six months and/or a fine of up to £5,000.

Sgt Pete Hanson, one of the officers from EVOLVE Wirral, said: “The anti-social behaviour and associated criminal activity occurring at this address has caused alarm and distress to neighbours over a continued period. We hope this closure order acts as reassurance to the community that Merseyside Police will not stand by and let them suffer in their own homes due to the behaviour of others.

“We also hope that this serves as a warning and deterrent to anyone who allows or partakes in activity at their address that damages the local community, and that Merseyside Police will actively take measures to prevent this behaviour and any further offences.

“If you experience any offences where you live, please come forward and speak to us when these issues affect you, for all of our benefit.”

The force is working closely with partners on the Home Office-backed Clear, Hold, Build strategy, known locally as EVOLVE, which has been introduced in areas blighted by organised crime to remove criminal gangs, prevent new ones moving into the void and then build the resilience of local communities against criminal activity.

Anyone with information about drug dealing or any other crimes in your area is asked to call Merseyside Police on 101, or via social media @MerPolCC. Alternatively, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or use their online reporting form by visiting https://crimestoppers-uk.org/give-information