BROTHERS from Wirral smashed a shop window with a hammer after what a crown court judge described as a "nonsense dispute".

Jeffery and Patrick Ward appeared in Liverpool Crown Court today (Thursday, January 8) after pleading guilty to affray, battery, criminal damage to property, and possession of a bladed article.

The court heard how on January 6, 2023, Patrick Ward, a 40-year-old tradesman from New Brighton, had been working in GoLocal on Trafalgar Road in Wallasey for three months.

Mr Mohammad, the shop owner, had also employed Patrick to carry out work in his home address.

However, the pair got into a verbal altercation over a mess left over from the work as dust had contaminated food products in the shop.

Mr Henry Riding, prosecuting, said: “Patrick [Ward] used his brother Jeffery [Ward] to clean the premises but Mr Mohammad’s employee who was working in the shop at the time was not happy with how Jeffery was cleaning.

“Mr Mohammad returned to the shop stating he would need to employ professional cleaners and would deduct the cost from what he was paying the brothers. An argument over who was going pay then broke out.”

Mr Mohammad told Patrick Ward to leave and to “take his tools with him”.

Mr Riding said as Patrick Ward was leaving his tools, he passed through a “narrow space” from the back of the shop to the front.

A “scuffle” then took place which involved “pushing and shoving”.

The court heard Mr Mohammad said both “reacted” and took “pre-emptive blows towards each other”.

Both Patrick and Jeffery Ward took their tools into their van outside and returned to the shop.

Patrick went into the shop holding a craft knife but he put it away after taking it out. Jeffery, a 42-year-old from Moreton, then entered the shop holding a hammer with both his hands at waist height, the prosecution added.

Mr Mohammad and his employee then “chased” the men out of the shop holding pieces of wood.

Mr Mohammad then went on to close his shop door before Jeffery Ward smashed the door with the hammer.

Mr Riding said: “They continued to confront each other before Jeffery struck with the hammer and made contact with Mr Mohammad's left forearm - causing a small bruise.

"The brothers were then chased out again after which Jeffery smashed an adjacent shop window.”

Following a police interview, Mr Mohammad told officers that the argument was “stupid” and that he wanted to “forget about it”.

He also said that he had known Patrick “for years” and “regards him as a friend”. The court also heard how Patrick had since been working for Mr Mohammad following the altercation.

Rebecca Smith, defending Jeffery Ward, said he had “mental health and alcohol difficulties” which she asked the judge to consider when sentencing.

Anna Duke, defending Patrick Ward, told the court her client was “fit and healthy and running his own business”.

Sentencing, Judge Ian Harris, said: “This offence is what I call a nonsense dispute. It’s an unfortunate incident and it’s a shame you didn’t back down and leave quietly.”

Jeffery Ward was ordered to complete a 12 month community order, 15 day rehabilitation and a nine month alcohol treatment.

Judge Harris said: “I note you are motivated to engage and I have imposed this order because of that.”

When sentencing Patrick Ward he added: “You were in possession of a craft knife which was one of your working tools - fortunately for you it wasn’t used in any way and was spontaneous but could have led to more serious offences.”

Patrick was ordered to complete a 12-month community order and 90 hours of unpaid work.

Both must also pay a victim surcharge.