A WIRRAL housing provider is encouraging its customers to sign up for a course to help develop their life skills.

Inspiring Dreams is a motivational programme aimed at supporting Magenta Living customers to develop the skills and knowledge they need to take the next step in life.  

Working in partnership with 3D Training and Underground Training Station, the latest group, who completed the course in September, developed teamwork and communication skills, picked up health and wellbeing tips including healthy recipes, explored what inspires them and boosted their confidence as well as making new friends.  

The next course starts on January 30.

Magenta Living has recently launched a brand new learning fund to help anyone living in a Magenta Living household with the costs of learning.

Whether it's course fees, books, equipment, an exam fee or other costs that are a barrier to learning, customers can apply by completing a simple application form. If approved, Magenta Living can offer up to £500 to help towards costs. 

More information and the application form can be found on www.magentaconnect.org.uk/magenta-learning-fund.