A WIRRAL man who raped a woman in Ellesmere Port has been jailed for six years.

Max Dufley, 34, of Eaton Road, West Kirby, had denied three counts of rape and one of indecent assault, but a jury at Chester Crown Court found him guilty on one count of rape and one of indecent assault following a trial which concluded in October 2023.

The same jury acquitted him on the remaining two counts.

Appearing back before the court before Recorder Ciaran Rankin on Tuesday, January 16, Dufley was sent to prison.

Prosecuting, John Philpotts said the indecent assault took place in May 2021, while the female victim was asleep, after she had taken prescribed sleeping tablets. When the victim woke up, Dufley raped her despite her repeatedly telling him to get off.

The court heard when the victim questioned Dufley about it, he told her: "I am glad I raped you, to put you in your place."

The woman, who cannot be identified, came to court to read out her victim personal statement, in which she hoped the sentencing would result in her getting closure from what had happened.

She said when she came to court for cross-examination in the trial, she was "physically shaking" when she saw the defendant.

Since the offences, the victim explained her mental health had declined "so much", and she no longer trusted people as much as she used to, and was too anxious to leave her house, with extra security added at her home.

She added she had come a long way since her first interview with police, adding: "I honestly think I would not be here if it was not for the support of my friends and family."

The victim added she was "so grateful" the members of the jury found Dufley guilty.

Defending, Jamie Baxter said character references had been submitted for Dufley, speaking of a man outside of these proceedings.

He maintained his innocence and while he had two previous convictions for three offences, those were for dissimilar motoring matters and this would be his first time in custody.

As well as the six-year prison sentence, for which Dufley is to serve two-thirds in custody, the judge handed an indefinite restraining order preventing Dufley from contacting the victim in any way.

Dufley must also be subject to the sex offender notification requirements for life.