TWO women, who were used as “sexual playthings” by the same man two decades ago, have told a court how their attacker’s behaviour has ruined their lives.

Details of their ordeal as innocent children emerged at Liverpool Crown Court when Rock Ferry man, Brian Smith, appeared in the dock for sentencing.

Jailing him for seven years, Judge Ian Harris told the 37-year-old,  “Your actions have had profound and enduring negative effect on both of them.”

Smith, of Moorcroft Road, who committed the offences when he was aged between 10 and 17, disputed the allegations, but was convicted after a trial.

The victims told in impact statements how his behaviour towards them, which began when they were in primary school, has left them emotionally damaged for life.

The main victim bravely read her two impact statements to the court and said that her greatest fear, that her marriage would break up, after she revealed what had happened, came true.

She said she thought that “getting rid of my horrid dirty secret” would help but it has caused more problems.

She told how Smith, who began abusing her when she was six,  had stolen her innocence and he would force her to watch pornography and tell her he would carry out the acts they had seen upon her.

His behaviour had affected her mental health and her view of sex, she added.

The other victim’s statement revealed that her mental health had also been adversely affected and left her with feelings of inadequacy and led to self-harm.

She said she had struggled with self-esteem and intimacy issues, anxiety and depression and worried about bumping into him in the street.

Smith had been convicted of two offences of indecent assault offences against her when she was eight and ten against the other girl when she was aged between six and 13. 

Judge Harris, who ordered him to sign on the Sex Offenders Register for life, said, “They have suffered severe deep seated psychological injury…..Your actions corrupted their childhoods and had a corrosive effect in terms of their mental health and relationships.”

He told him, “You used both of these young girls as sexual playthings and took advantage of them because of their age.”

Smith, who has no similar convictions, appeared in the dock on crutches. 

His barrister Brendan O’Leary explained he has severe mobility problems following a motor cycle crash 11 years ago and resulting orthopaedic problems. He is awaiting further surgery.

Smith arrived at court on a mobility scooter but was not allowed to take it down with him to the cells.