A WIRRAL resident has complained about the "atrocious" noise coming from a company who operates from a nearby industrial estate.

The resident, who wished to remain anonymous, lives in the Bramble Way and Berrylands area of Moreton, which are both very close to the Tarran Industrial Estate.

Plura Innovations, which operates from the site on Tarran Way, is a UK plastic products supplier.

Speaking to the Globe about their experience, the resident described how noises coming from the industrial site in the early hours of Tuesday (November 28) were "atrocious".

They said: "I have lived in this house 30 years and it just seems to be getting dirtier and nastier. Last summer there were horrible paint and plastic smells.

"We've had all sorts over the years but the noise was just atrocious."

The resident explained that the noise sounded like "living under an airport" and "even through double glazing you could still hear it" at 1.30am in the morning.

They added: "They work 24 hours a day and are slap bang in the middle of residents. They're just not bothered.

"This place is becoming dangerous and something needs doing about it."

Colin Laidlaw, Director at Plura Innovations said: "We have recently had a new dust extraction unit fitted and this is where the noise is coming from, we didn’t realise that the exhaust would make as much noise as it is doing. 

"Below are the actions I have put in place:

  • Extraction unit will be turned off at 6pm in the evening and switched back on at 8am in the morning.
  • A silencer has been ordered, circa £1,800, to lower the noise coming from the unit.  Leadtime of approx. six weeks for delivery.
  • More ducting will be introduced to divert the exhaust from the extraction unit away from the railway line and neighbours to again aid reducing the noise coming from the unit.

"All in all, the above works will reduce the noise to the neighbours."

A spokesperson for Wirral Council said: "The first complaint we have had on this was only logged on Tuesday (November 28) and came from the councillor.

"It will be allocated to an environmental health officer for investigation."

Councillor Colin Baldwin added: "I’d like to thank those residents who contacted us about this issue and also thank Plura Innovations for the steps they are taking, now they have been made aware of the problem.

"Hopefully, permanent measures can be agreed with the Environmental Health Officer when they meet, so that residents in this part of Moreton are not disturbed in future."