A POPULAR Wirral restaurant 'where nothing is too much trouble' is celebrating 40 years since it first opened.

Lino's has been a feature on Market Street in Hoylake since November 4, 1983.

Enrico Galantini has been in charge since 1998, taking over after ill-health forced his father Lino, the restaurant's founder, to retire along with Enrico's mum Barbara.

Whilst he uses all of the classic skills he learned from his mum and his dad, Enrico blends the traditional with a fresh and modern twist. It is this, which has been part of the business' longevity.

Wirral Globe: Lino's in HoylakeLino's in Hoylake (Image: Enrico Galantini)Lino's has a very small team consisting of Ian, who has been front-of-house for 25 years who is an 'integral part of the team. Enrico’s son Emilio also helps dad in the kitchen, whilst daughter Talia prefers life out front giving a hand to Ian.

The 58-year-old told the Globe: "We opened on November 4, 1983. Mum and dad retired 25 years ago, after my dad had a stroke and I've run it on my own ever since.

"We're just very grateful to the people of Wirral and Hoylake, who have looked after us and we've looked after them, for the last 40 years.

Wirral Globe: Sample of dishes on offer at Lino'sSample of dishes on offer at Lino's (Image: Enrico Galantini)Looking back on what have been 'a lot of changes' at the venue, Enrico - who lives above the restaurant, said: "When we first opened we didn't take credit cards; it was cheque or cash and on a Sunday my dad would spend all day writing the bills and sending them off by post.

"So when my dad retired, one of the first things we did was get the credit card payments system in. The days spent sending bills stopped straight away.

Wirral Globe: Lino's founder Lino Galantini with wife Barbara and their son Enrico at Lino's in Hoylake recentlyLino's founder Lino Galantini with wife Barbara and their son Enrico at Lino's in Hoylake recently (Image: Enrico Galantini)"Also, back in the day, people smoked in the restaurant - there's none of that anymore!

"Dining habits have also changed, quite considerably. When we first opened, there was no going to wine bars or pubs. It was an all-night occasion; people would be here until 1.30am some days. Nowadays, that doesn't happen, people are gone by 10pm."

The restaurant's founder, Lino Galantini, first came to the UK in 1960 after years of travelling the world working on the cruise liners.

He won a Scholarship to study in England at catering college, and with a choice of Liverpool or London, he chose Liverpool.

Wirral Globe: Inside Lino'sInside Lino's (Image: Enrico Galantini)

Starting out at Speke Airport, he soon found himself over on Wirral at the Old Quay in Parkgate and it was around this time when he met his soon-to-be wife, Barbara. They were married on February 26, 1963 and they took over the Cottage Loaf in Thurstaston soon after.

Enrico, was born in 1965 and by the age of 15 was already learning the trade in the kitchen – and hasn’t looked back.

Lino, Barbara and Enrico opened Lino's and enjoyed many years of feeding the Wirral’s most discerning diners.

With Lino as front of house, Barbara as head chef (having learned her skills from Lino’s mum in Italy) and Enrico as sous chef, the family team worked together for over 15 years.

A statement on the restaurant's website reads: "If you love food, you’re in the best hands in the North West. Lino’s – where nothing is too much trouble".

Asked how he will celebrate the 40th anniversary weekend, Enrico said: "We're quite low-key. I've done all the parties and I'm more for being relaxed.

"It will be a busy weekend, as normal, and will probably take my mum and dad out for dinner on Sunday to celebrate.

"It's nice knowing there aren't many places that last for 40 years, particularly family businesses. Some places still have the same name and have changed hands, etc, but we've been same family business for 40 years." 

On the secret of success: "We're well-known since mum and dad ran The Cottage Loaf, and have brought a lot of clientele from there and have carried on since then.

"Word of mouth and keeping good standards of service, good food and looking after the customers are also very important.

"All our TripAdvisor reviews over the last few years have been excellent.

"It's all about keeping standards high and giving people what they want."

Wirral Globe: Lino'sLino's (Image: Enrico Galantini)