DEVELOPERS have won an appeal to knock down a vacant pub in Hooton and replace it with new homes.

In October 2022, Hooton Hotel Developments Ltd put forward a proposal to knock down the derelict Hooton Hotel pub off Waterworks Lane and build 12 houses and six apartments in its place.

However, it was refused by Cheshire West and Chester Council saying the development "would have a clear and demonstrable effect on the openness of the green belt", and that the demolition of the pub "would result in the loss of a community facility".

The appeal

The developers then lodged an appeal in July 2023 and a one-day hearing was held before an inspector on August 8 2023 where the appeal was won by developers.

The report, which shows the decision date as September 25, says: "The appeal site is located within the Green Belt.

"The site contains a derelict public house out of use for several years.

"The evidence before me indicates efforts to find an operator to reopen the premises have not been successful, and the Council does not oppose the loss of the public house in principle."

It continued: "The proposal originally sought development of 12 market and six affordable housing units.

"This was subsequently amended during the application to nine market units and four affordable units.

"I have found that the proposal would not amount to inappropriate development in the Green Belt.

"Moreover, I have found that the proposal would be within an accessible location and would be acceptable in terms of its effect on the character and appearance of the area and protected species.

"Overall, the proposal accords with the aims of the framework, taken as a whole, and would represent a sustainable form of development.

"There are no other material considerations I have identified which would otherwise justify withholding planning permission in this case."

You can read the full report here.