A SON is urging people to visit their GP if they suffer from severe headaches regularly after his mum had a ruptured brain aneurysm while at work.

Martin Bucak moved from Slovakia to Ellesmere Port with his siblings and mum, Elizabeth Bucakova in 2007.

On Wednesday, September 27, Elizabeth, 60, was at work at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Chester, and she started suffering from a headache.

Elizabeth gathered her things to go to the hotel office, to let her manager know she didn't feel well, but no one answered when she knocked on the door.

Speaking to the Globe, Martin said: "She would've known something wasn't right, she would never usually ask for help. She always dealt with pain herself."

Elizabeth went into a hotel room, rang reception, and told the receptionist the room number she was in, and then, before she could finish her sentence, collapsed in the room.

Staff came to the room and followed first aid procedures and did not move Elizabeth from the room until the ambulance arrived. However, once ambulance crews arrived, Elizabeth collapsed again and she suffered a seizure in the ambulance.

Once at the Countess of Chester Hospital, Elizabeth had a CT scan which found a bleed on her brain.

She was then transferred to Walton ICU and underwent brain surgery to remove the blood clot on her brain. After three and a half hours, the surgeon told Martin his mum had suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm which caused the bleed.

Elizabeth then had another brain surgery to fit a metal coil to stop the re-bleeding in her brain and she is currently still in an induced coma.

Wirral Globe: Martin shared this photo of his mum in hospitalMartin shared this photo of his mum in hospital (Image: Martin Bucak)

The 31-year-old added: "You never expect this to happen to your loved one.

"The worst thing that we didn’t want to hear was she had a slim chance of survival.

"They said it was caused by high blood pressure but my mum was always taking medication for it and at the right times so we still don't know why it happened.

"It's been six days now and she still hasn't woken up. It’s like a rollercoaster."

Raising awareness

Martin now wants to raise awareness about brain aneurysms and to get checked by a GP if you suffer from headaches regularly. 

He said: "My mum was fine at 9.30am and then was in an induced coma by 10am.

"Brain aneurysms don't come with symptoms apart from a massive headache. I have done some research and it describes the pain like when someone hits you on the head with a baseball bat.

"The doctor told me everyone is living with small aneurysms, and for some people, it can happen within a second.

"Loads of people suffer from headaches, but if you suffer with severe headaches on a daily basis go and get yourself checked, rather than be in a position like we are."

Martin has set up a GoFundMe page to help his mum when she wakes up as it is uncertain what her condition will be.

To donate to Elizabeth, click here.