A WIRRAL dad who threatened to cut his ex-partner open like a “can of beans” has been jailed.

Shaun Chapple, 26, from Tranmere, appeared via video link at Liverpool Crown Court yesterday (Thursday, September 21) for breaching a restraining order six times and causing criminal damage.

The breaches occurred between December 2022 and January and March 2023 with Chapple repeatedly contacting and visiting his ex-partner who he had been banned from doing so by a court order.

The defendant, who has a four-year-old daughter with the woman, had been in a relationship with her for 10 years before they separated two years ago.

Throughout multiple occasions in December, Chapple was captured on the victim's CCTV entering her front garden and leaving flowers on the doorstep as well as leaving notes on her car. Between December 21 and January 3, the defendant tried contacting the woman with multiple no caller ID phone calls and requests on Instagram. When she answered one of the phone calls she could hear Chapple shouting down the phone calling her a “slag” and accusing her of having a relationship with one of his friends.

Mr Chris Taylor, prosecuting, said: “The offences are very petty but persistent.” He also went on to say that Chapple was “not ready to accept that the relationship was over” and had caused “considerable stress” to the woman.

The victim was forced to move house due to being concerned over Chapple’s actions. However, on May 21, 2023, the victim was told by one of Chapple’s friends that he knew what area she had moved to.

The defendant was then captured on CCTV riding his bike around the area trying to find her. He then dumped a wheelie bin on top of the woman’s black Chevrolet car causing damage to her windscreen costing £160.

Chapple then returned and shouted “grass” at the window of the victim's house. He later set fire to a wheelie bin down the road.

In a victim impact statement read out to the court, the woman described how she now suffered from “serious anxiety” as a result of Chapple’s actions.

The statement said: “I used to be an outgoing bubbly person who used to go out with friends at least once a week but now I am so scared about bumping into him. I have been single for two years due to concerns about other partners treating me this way. I am worried my daughter will think this behaviour is normal.

“My confidence is diminished. I am physically drained because of this. I do not want to get out of bed.

“It has also had a huge impact on my mum and dad’s lives and they are anxious about seeing him out in public. My friends also panic over me and are cautious over who I let into my life. They say they feel like they are walking on eggshells. It’s not fair.

“I feel like I can’t do what I want anymore because people are worried about me. I can’t bring someone new into my life since these issues are ongoing.

“I am on my own raising my daughter I have not had a penny from him since she was three-years-old.

“He has been given custodial sentences before and he has not stopped offending. It wasn’t enough of a deterrent. As a result, I am concerned things aren’t going to get better.

“I want this to be the end of this. I hope Chapple leaves me alone to let me get on with my life.”

The court also heard from Mr Taylor about how the defendant had developed “jealous behaviour” after the breakup and had previously made threats to the victim including to “cut her open like a tin of beans”.

Mr Taylor said: “He has turned up at her home, smashed a baby gate, and punched a hole in the wall. He also searched her house to check if she was with another man. She has been forced to move house as a result of his obsessive behaviours.”

Ms Rachel Oakdene, defending, told the court her client had “learnt from his ways” while in custody and wanted to put offending “behind him”.

She added: “Sean Chapple is a 26-year-old young man who has now been in custody since July 3. I hear what the court is saying about his lack of obedience. In the past, he has shown significant immaturity.

“He has behaved as an absolute nuisance but apart from the December offences there is no level of threat or violence. He has told me the communications were in relation to Christmas presents.

“He has clearly behaved unacceptably but he tells me their communication has been amicable. They had been in a relationship for 10 years so when they were teenagers and arguably immature. Perhaps at last he is displaying signs of maturity.

“He accepts the relationship is over. He does accept that he is not able to have contact with the victim and any contact with his daughter will have to be through child services.

“This is a young man who has had a difficult childhood with a difficult upbringing it has had an impact on the way he conducts himself.

“He wants to put offending behind him and get on with his life, he wants to forget about the relationship.”

Sentencing, Judge Reader D Lister, said: “There is lengthy background to this case which you are aware of because it is your life. You were in a relationship with [victim’s name] for 10 years you separated two years ago.

“You were given a restraining order in May 2021 until May 2023 which prohibited you from entering her address you have repeatedly breached the order and quite frankly treated it as if it didn’t exist.

“You made numerous phone calls which were offensive, and you attended her address again and again.

“[Victim’s name] moved house and you were trying to look for her, you threw things causing £160 worth of damage to her car.

“You have persistently breached the restraining order. She has that in place to protect her from you have disregarded court orders.

“You have not recognised the level of distress you have caused towards her she feels physically drained.

“Your record demonstrates that you have someone who has a total disregard for court orders.

“You have a history of disobedience to court orders you have a lack of maturity, but you are 26 years old.”

Chapple was sentenced to two years in prison and handed a 10-year restraining order.