THE SISTER of Haydn Griffiths has thanked the people of Wirral for their help in the search for her brother a year on since he died.

Haydn, 23, from Lowton, near Wigan, was reported missing on Tuesday, July 19, 2022, following an ill-fated attempt to swim to the wind turbines in Liverpool Bay after entering the water near Derby Pool, in New Brighton.

Following extensive searches by the RNLI, Haydn’s family, and members of the local community, Haydn’s body was found five days later by the coastguard near the Marina in Crosby.

An inquest hearing, held on Thursday, December 22, 2022 in Gerard Majella Courthouse in Liverpool, confirmed that Haydn died by drowning.

READ: Keen sailor drowned off Wirral coastline while swimming on hottest day of the year

Haydn’s sister, Megan Griffiths, took to social media to thank those who helped search for her brother.

She said: “I would just like to say a massive thank you to everyone who was involved in the search for Haydn, this time last year and for your continued support throughout this year.

He went swimming off New Brighton beach on the 19th July, on that beautifully calm, hot, fateful day.

“The RNLI and emergency services searched relentlessly all night and the following day for Haydn, giving him an incredible chance of being found. They knew how fit and strong he was and that he knew so much about the water and survival techniques.

“The 20th July is when the community stepped in and continued the search.

“Our family will be forever grateful for the efforts, love and determination of all involved in the search. People from all backgrounds, amazing humans, friends old and new, wonderful people from all around supported us whether it was out searching the shorelines, planning routes and looking at tides, sending positive thoughts from home or sharing information; everyone’s love gave us the strength to find Haydn, and he was found.

“It’s a challenge time of year for us now, but it’s also a beautiful one. The sunshine is coming back out to play and it’s fantastic being outdoors.

“Haydn absolutely loved being outside in nature. He would want us all to get out there, enjoy it, but just take an extra moment to think about your safety. Look for potential hazards, think twice before jumping into water.”