A WIRRAL school has been rated 'good' by Ofsted inspectors following a recent visit.

The opening paragraph from the inspection report on Pensby High School read: "Pupils at Pensby High School wear their uniforms with pride. The school values of 'care, respect and inspire' permeate all that they do."

Officers referred to the standard of education provided, highlighting "a well-thought-out curriculum across key stages 3 and 4 that supports pupils to build on their prior learning while addressing any gaps in knowledge from key stage 2."

Inspectors commented upon the behaviour of pupils in lessons and during social times. "They are polite and courteous" and that pupils' value "leaders' high expectations of their behaviour".

It also highlighted that "pupils learn a great deal about tolerance, respect and how to treat each other in the right way".

The report also praised the personal development of pupils with as the school provides 'a strong programme to support pupils' wider development' 

It also highlighted the "high expectations" staff have for pupils including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), they also described that these learners ‘can and should achieve’.

The report also highlighted how staff "foster a strong culture of safeguarding" and "are fully cognisant of the procedures for keeping pupils safe".

In a letter to parents seen by the Globe, headteacher Kevin Flanagan wrote: "The Ofsted inspection was fair, thorough, robust and professionally rigorous. 

"I am proud that the hard work and dedication of our staff and pupils has been recognised.

"It is an excellent report that we are truly proud of; as it reflects the ethos and values of Pensby High School.

"As this was a two-day Section 8 inspection, inspectors were here to verify and conclude that Pensby High School continues to be a good school in all areas.

"This is no mean feat in the post-pandemic era, and when the benchmark for ‘Good’ is at the highest level it has ever been.

"I would like to thank parents as well as teaching and non-teaching staff and the Governing Body who supported us through the inspection and support us always in our ambition to provide the very best education, experiences and opportunities to our community of young people.

"On a final note, a massive thank you goes to all of our pupils who were proud to showcase Pensby High School to the inspectors and continue to conduct themselves to our highest standards."