PLANS have been submitted to build 13 family homes on a plot of “vacant land” in Wallasey.

The proposal, put forward by Eden Planning & Development Ltd for Starship Group Limited, is for the erection of 13 homes to be built on 'grazing land' on Leasowe Road in Wallasey Village.

The new plans are an opportunity to create “well designed family homes in a highly accessible and suitable location” according to a design and access statement submitted on Wirral Council’s planning site.

The statement added that the build would also be an opportunity to address “local housing needs” by providing “well designed affordable homes” on an otherwise “neglected site”.

Wirral Globe: The proposal, put forward by Eden Planning & Development Ltd for Starship Group Limited, is for the erection of 13 homes to be built on grazing land on Leasowe Road in Wallasey VillageThe proposal, put forward by Eden Planning & Development Ltd for Starship Group Limited, is for the erection of 13 homes to be built on grazing land on Leasowe Road in Wallasey Village (Image: Eden Planning & Development Ltd)

The residential site would include 13 homes including six semi-detached houses, six terraced and one detached. Each three-bed property will have two parking spaces and access to a private back garden.

The proposed layout of the site will connect to Greenleas Close and continue into the existing cul-de-sac.

One of the key considerations for the sites design proposals is the location being next to a slip road and highway meaning noise mitigation measures may be needed.

The design and access statement submitted by Eden Planning & Development Ltd added: “Outline planning applications for residential development on the site have been submitted several times over the past 10 years. Each application proposed different indicative layouts and designs.

“These design solutions have evolved over time, each seeking to address issues raised with previous applications. Ultimately outline planning permission was approved for 10 new homes in 2016 but this permission has now lapsed without progressing to the submission of reserved matters.

“This new proposal seeks to make more efficient use of the land, by maximising space to ensure each dwelling is optimally fitted with adequate parking and internal floorspace. This consideration is partly in response to previous comments made by planning officers which raised concerns due to overcrowding.”

Following the refusal of an application in March 2023, the scheme has been amended to respond to the concerns raised. The proposal was reduced from 17 to 14 units and then down to 13 having identified concern for overdevelopment and overbearing impact on neighbouring occupants.

The statement continued: “The proposed development will have a positive impact on the local area.

“The proposed homes on site are of a form that both respects and blends with the surrounding area and its residential context. The proposed layout and designs have evolved from previous schemes and iterations and are deemed to offer the most efficient and viable use of space. As such the proposal would accord with relevant planning policies, providing 13 new affordable family homes each with adequate provision of parking, amenity / separation distances, garden, and internal floor space.”