A COUPLE from Ellesmere Port are climbing Snowdon for Alder Hey after they cared for their son who was diagnosed with a stomach condition at three-weeks-old.

Becca Edwards, 26, and Aaron Goss, 30, became parents to Tommy on July 15 2022.

Speaking to the Globe, Becca said: "Tommy was born at 42 weeks so he was overdue and weighed 8lbs 12oz which was a really good weight."

Tommy's diagnosis

At one week old, Tommy started throwing up all of his milk so Becca took him to the doctor, who told her it was down to reflux, and gave her powder to put in his milk.

Tommy continued to throw up all of his milk and on Saturday, August 6 2022 Becca realised she could feel Tommy's spine and that he had lost weight.

Becca said: "He was really droopy and floppy so we rang out of hours and they told me to try and wake him up and I couldn't."

Tommy was taken in an ambulance to Countess of Chester Hospital and on arrival, a nurse said she thought it was a condition called pyloric stenosis.

Pyloric stenosis is a condition where the passage (pylorus) between the stomach and small bowel (duodenum) becomes narrower. The pylorus passage is made up of muscle, which seems to become thicker than usual, closing up the inside of the passage. This stops milk or food passing into the bowel to be digested.

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Wirral Globe: Tommy was just three weeks old when he was diagnosedTommy was just three weeks old when he was diagnosed (Image: Becca Edwards)

Tommy was transferred to Alder Hey on Monday, August 8, where he was diagnosed with pyloric stenosis and had surgery to open a channel from his stomach to his small intestine.

Now eight months old, Becca spoke about the support Alder Hey gave her and Aaron at the time and how Tommy is now happy and healthy.

"He's better, he has put a lot of weight on and he's recovered so well", Becca said.

"When we went to Alder Hey, we just realised how amazing it was. It was a very scary time for us and they were just a massive support.

"It was such a comfortable feeling being in there and we're just really grateful."

On August, 26 2023 Becca and Aaron will be climbing Snowdon to raise money for Alder Hey.

Aaron said: "We've decided to climb Snowdon to set ourselves a challenge and we've picked August because that was the month Tommy was in hospital."

To donate, visit here.