SAUGHALL Massie Community Fire Station has staged its first-ever youth presentation ceremony for children completing a six-week course designed to build up confidence and teamwork.

Pupils from Fender Primary took part in the Beacon course with Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service.

The scheme, which included a rat-run and smoke house exercise which are designed to inspire communication, problem solving, teamwork and resilience, was funded by the Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership (MVRP).

Whilst the course has inspired Emmy to want to be a fire-fighter, it has help galvanise the confidence of children such as Sofia.

Mum Camilla said: "Sofia was very shy and suffered with anxiety.

"Now she is prepared for any situation. You always knew it was Beacon day, because there would be a smile on her face.”

The Beacon programme stretches across Merseyside and was praised recently in a report by Liverpool John Moores University.

"The MVRP is particularly pleased that the learning on the course has been backed-up at home by parents and carers.

Temporary director, Geraldine O’Driscoll, said: "Re-enforcing Beacon’s messages is so vital.

"We want young people to reach their full potential and this can only be achieved through collaborative working.

"What is also great about Beacon, is that it has had so many added benefits, including an understanding of what the emergency services do."

Another outcome is that attendance on the course, which was said to be 100% over the eight weeks, and at school, have got better.

Teacher Mrs Maureen Cain, who accompanied the children to their sessions each week said: "Resilience, confidence and attendance have all improved".

Headteacher Louise Seargeant added: "This is a wonderful group of children, and we are very proud of them.

"They have grown in confidence since they have been involved in the Beacon Project and we can always rely on them to help around the school."

Councillor Brian Kenny, who is vice chair of the Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service’s Fire Authority, concluded: "We have the best fire and rescue service in the UK and why? Because of their staff.

"It has been an absolute pleasure to see how they have worked together with the MVRP, Fender and most important of all the parents, to give the children so much enthusiasm."