MORE than 1,000 small trees are on offer to Wirral residents for planting in their gardens this winter.

The council is giving out 1,500 'plug trees' (small seedling-sized trees) to residents who want them, provided they can plant and look after them in their garden or on any land within the borough where the resident has permission.

The trees available are all UK seed sourced and grown and include Crab Apple, Scots Pine, Wild Cherry, Holly, Guelder rose, Whitebeam.

They are small to begin with (between 20 to 40cm in height) but if established can flourish to become mature 10 to 50 year-old trees between 4m to 35m in height and 2m to 8m in width, depending on tree type.

The council has an ambitious target to plant 21,000 trees every year until 2030 to help increase tree coverage across Wirral and the tree giveaway will help the borough achieve this goal.

The 1,500 plug trees will be available to collect this Saturday (January 14), on a first-come first-served basis from one of three volunteer-run tree hubs across the borough:

  • Walled Garden café at Central Park - Liscard Road, Wallasey
  • Car Park at Royden Park - Hillbark Road, Frankby
  • Visitor Centre at Brotherton Park and Dibbinsdale Woodslee Cottages, Spital Road, Bromborough

Tree hubs will open on Saturday, January 14 from 10am to 2pm, or until all the trees are gone.

Cllr Liz Grey, chair of Wirral's environment, climate emergency and transport committee said: "Over the years, I have seen how many residents have volunteered and taken their time to help plant trees in public spaces for all to enjoy – and it’s been great to see so many get stuck in – now residents can get involved again but this time can plant a tree in their own garden, look after it and can enjoy this process from the comfort of their own home.

"Whether you want to plant the tree with your children or grandchildren and watch it grow or you’d just like to spruce up your garden, claiming a free tree is a great way to get the whole family interested as well as helping to increase the tree canopy in Wirral.

"If you don’t have a garden, claimed trees can also be planted in any areas where you have permission, so if you are a member of a local community group and are able to plant there, the tree could be planted in an area such as a church or community garden and everyone involved can help the tree to flourish."

It is envisaged that during the ten-year span of Wirral’s Tree Strategy more than 210,000 trees will be planted, at least 21,000 per year.

The trees that are planted will see Wirral’s tree canopy cover doubled by the time they are fully grown and will replace the number of trees unavoidably lost, many times over.

Trees have been funded through the council’s climate emergency budget with the aim of supporting residents to increase tree coverage on non-council land.