PLANS to transform the look of a Wirral school and bring it "up to a modern standard" have been submitted for approval.

If given the green light, the work at Castleway Primary school in Leasowe would see construction of a single storey extension and raised roof to part of the school, demolition of outbuildings, alterations and landscaping reconfiguration of the existing layout to create seven classrooms for the main school and also a separate nursery area.

There would also be installation of hard and soft surfacing, fences and gates and a relocated cycle store.

New areas would create a sensory room and new shared entrance between the nursery and the school, with reordered admin and offices.

Wirral Globe:

The playground at Castleway Primary School. Picture: Ainsley Gommon Architects

Changes to the current buildings will see all existing windows, doors and solid panels either replaced like for like or new fitted to suit the internal alterations. Other changes include fitting new perimeter fencing to allow additional enclosed space for play, additional parking spaces for staff and a new path giving access to the nursery areas.

Access to the site will be provided by the existing vehicle access and pedestrian access from Castlewway North, and separate pedestrian access from the south access point. A new pedestrian footpath will also be laid.

A design and access statement from Ainsley Gommon Architects, on behalf of Wirral Council, read: "The site is currently not working in the most optimal way for the school, and making the proposed changes will allow both the primary and nursery schools to be united in one building.

"The proposals will meet the requirements of the school and allow them to work much more efficiently than they do now.

"The small infill areas will help the school with additional space, without increasing the footprint too much and without any visual impact to the building.

"Bringing the building up to a modern standard will enable the school to provide a valuable service for the wider community of Wirral."

To read the planning application in full, click here