A NEIGHBOURHOOD in Neston held a light switch-on on Sunday evening (December, 4) after beginning the tradition during the pandemic.

Residents at The Quillet held a special light switch-on with mulled wine, mince pies and a chance for neighbours to get to know each other.

During Covid, one of the residents, Jaki Brien, suggested that everyone turned their lights on at the same time, while socially distancing.

Everyone gathered, while keeping their distance and it lifted many people's spirits.

After its success, Quillet residents decided to continue the tradition.

Sue Halliday, who has lived at The Quillet for over 40 years, spoke to the Globe about the special evening.

She said: "We gathered at one house to do the countdown for the switch-on. It was just magical.

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"This year we stayed gathered for quite a long time. There are some new residents so we were getting to know them and the children.

"It's just a tremendous community feel."

Wirral Globe:

As well as the light switch-on, trees have been filled with candy canes and electric candles and a resident has made a bunting out of crochet.

Sue added: "We moved here as a young married couple so my children grew up here. Yesterday my grandchildren came and my girls said we never got anything like this when we were younger.

"People wave at the older folk and make sure they're ok as well. We all help each other out."

Wirral Globe:

As well as at Christmas, The Quillet host Halloween and Easter events too.

You can go and see the lights at The Quillet, Neston, CH64 9QH.