WHEN Charles Dickens went on the road with one of his many sold-out recital tours it was always an unforgettable celebration of the imagination.

The characters most notably came alive in his own production of A Christmas Carol - written in 1843 and one that struck a chord with people of all ages.

The writer's concern for the poverty he saw around him inspired audiences so much so that charity donations were boosted overnight after his original publication and subsequent theatrical performances made an impact at home and abroad.

The novel has been interpreted many times on stage, film and in animations and each adaptation adds new light and shade to the timeless work.

Now comes The Shakespeare North version and it is quite simply a sparkling gem - like finding a marvellous trinket in a cracker.

It is a lively, fun-filled, poignant and perfectly-pitched musical.

A play within a play reimagining of the festive tale with the emphasis being on the message of kindness weaved throughout.

The vibrant cast of four actor/musicians flesh out 25 characters and with zest and versatility.

They play their instruments and eight original songs as well as some suitably atmospheric incidental music.

There is humour in abundance and visual treats galore using a few props on the adaptable in-the-round stage.

Zoe West is a superb Scrooge while Jessica Davies, Abigail Middleton and Eddy Westbury ably don numerous hats (and accents) to create the ghosts of Past, Present and Future , the Cratchits and all manner of waifs.

There is joy in abundance from the outset and especially when the readily-agreeable audience are invited (panto-like) to contribute various sound effects.

There are plenty of other clever dramatic surprises that I won't give away here.

The cast look as though they are having a ball and that enthusiasm soon snowballs to the aisles.

This show warms the cockles of the heart like a glass of steaming mulled wine on a winter’s night.

It is one of the best Christmas Carols I have seen in years. I have seen many.

It stands out for its simplicity and ingenuity - wonderfully delivered by the combined efforts and vision of writer Nick Lane, director Ellie Hurt and the fab four cast .

This smashing seasonal show brings alive the ever-relevant message that we should all start caring about each other so much more.

Globe verdict: Five stars - a tinsel-coated triumph

It is on until January 7 at Shakespeare North Playhouse

Tickets are from the box office on 03003034204