A WOMAN from Prenton, who was diagnosed with scoliosis earlier this year, has decided to walk Snowdon to raise money for the Scoliosis Association.

Kate Burton, 27, was diagnosed with scoliosis in August, after she pulled her back while at work.

Speaking to the Globe, she said: "Originally I thought I'd just hurt my back, but the physio said I might have scoliosis."

Kate, a care assistant in the cardiology ward at a hospital, was diagnosed with double scoliosis which means her spine curves at the top and the bottom, and even though her back may look straight, she suffers excruciating pain daily.

Talking about dealing with her diagnosis, Kate, who is mum to 3-year-old Bella, explained it has affected her life in a number of ways.

She said: "I have this excruciating pain every day when I wake up to when I go to sleep.

"Before this, I was very active, me and my daughter would go for walks on the beach and go to soft play but now everything has completely changed.

"I was living a normal life for so long and then in a switch everything changed."

Wirral Globe: Kate, her partner Billy Richards and their daughter BellaKate, her partner Billy Richards and their daughter Bella (Image: Kate Burton)

On July, 8 2023, Kate, along with her sister and cousin, will walk Snowdon to raise money for the Scoliosis Association which has been a massive support since her diasnosis.

Kate said: "The scoliosis association has been so helpful and given me a lot of support.

"The group all looks out for each other and help. They're not government funded so they rely on donations and there is so much research still to be done.

"In my case, people can't see my pain, and there are so many people like this."

Since setting up the fundraiser last month, Kate has already surpassed her goal of £100 and has raised over £500.

To donate to Kate's fundraiser, click here.