A FORMER Wirral bank premises will be turned into a pub if plans are approved.

The former Barclays Bank on Bromborough Cross would become a bar with food provision if councillors on Wirral's planning committee give the green light.

The proposal involves a window alteration to the front of the building "to make better use of the internal space".

The two-storey building was built in the late 1960s.

A design and access statement prepared by Henderson Heritage on behalf of the applicant Marc Edmunds said the proposed development has been carefully designed and "enhances the building and the viability of the building's use".

The statement continued: "The character of the heritage assets and their wider setting will be enhanced by the development proposal. The application should respectfully be supported."

The bank was purpose built in the late 1960s following the amalgamation of Martin's Bank and Barclays in 1969.

Wirral Globe: The former Barclays Bank on The Cross in Bromborough.The former Barclays Bank on The Cross in Bromborough. (Image: The former Barclays Bank on The Cross in Bromborough.)

Martin's Bank had a local branch in Bromborough, which was bought by Barclays Bank in 1969. The branch closed in 2020.

The design and access statement prepared by Henderson Heritage said the building "has significance as part of the planned development of Barclays Bank. It is a clearly a piece of modern architecture in a village setting."

The proposals, if passed, would see window alteration to the front of the building, replacing a blocked-up window and ATM to create a more active frontage and better use of the ground floor. The lack of natural daylight compromises the use of the building.

The statement continued: "The introduction of the window reintroduces a feature that was part of the original building.

"The materials proposed will match the existing in terms of appearance and character. This will better reflect the building's proportions and character.

"The proposed introduction of a window to the east bay will remove an unsightly cement rendered panel and ATM of no significance.

"It will establish an active frontage which is a highly positive feature.

"It respects the character of the building and the associated shopping parade and relates well to the building’s principal façade."