WELCOME to Behind the Lens, a new feature that shines a light on the talented photographers in our Wirral Globe Camera Club group.

Hugh McLaughlan lives in Birkenhead and loves to showcase the beauty of the area. He teaches photography with Wirral Ark homeless charity.

Despite being colour blind, Hugh loves to edit the photographs he takes so that they are a true representation of what he sees.

Hugh McLaughlan Hugh hard at work

Hugh McLaughlan Hugh hard at work

When and why did you take up photography?

I have always liked taking photographs of the places I go but I have just recently found the passion to utilise my abilities. As well as taking simple shots, I like to take the time editing them. I take pride in my skills and teach photography, working alongside Wirral Ark homeless charity.

The knife angel in Birkenhead Park in August

The knife angel in Birkenhead Park in August

What do you love about taking pictures?

I love capturing the moment and sharing my images with others. I love showing people the photographs I’ve taken of the Wirral area as it’s such a picturesque place to live.

A winning shot at New Brighton rally

A winning shot at New Brighton rally

Where is your favourite place to take pictures and why?

I like to capture images of Wirral and the surrounding area. I like exploring new places and I enjoy visiting places that have a historical background, such as Bidston Hill, Flaybrick Cemetery and New Brighton.

A light blur motion effect of traffic in the Wallasey tunnel

A light blur motion effect of traffic in the Wallasey tunnel

What is your favourite subject matter and why?

I like taking landscape shots and editing them to make them look different. I am colour blind so many of my images are coloured differently to the way others see them. The colours are adjusted to the way I see them.

The Wilfred Owen monument in Hamilton Square

The Wilfred Owen monument in Hamilton Square

What do you enjoy about being part of the Wirral Globe Camera Club?

I like to share my photographs but I also like to see the images from other people and the skills they have.

The Liverbirds framed in a gap in the wall at Woodside Docks

The Liverbirds framed in a gap in the wall at Woodside Docks

If you could photograph anyone/any place/anything, who/what would it be?

I would love to travel to New York and experience the art of street photography, capturing the culture and busy streets.

A black and white image of a Buick taken at a classic car show at Claremont Farm

A black and white image of a Buick taken at a classic car show at Claremont Farm

If you would like to appear in our Behind the Lens feature, email heidi.summerfield@newsquest.co.uk

If you would like to join Wirral Globe Camera Club, visit facebook.com/groups/wirralglobecameraclub