JUDGES from the Royal Horticultural Society have cast their expert eyes over Wirral's 36 entries for this year’s national In Bloom awards during a visit to the area.

The group of judges spent four days touring the borough examining the hard work and creativity that Wirral residents have put into each project and meeting a range of community groups who had all contributed to schemes.

During their visit, they not only looked for groups who have made a real difference to their area through planting and landscaping, but are also looking to score groups positively on community effort and involvement.

The groups entered for this year’s awards are:

  • Seacombe Children’s Centre
  • Seacombe View Alleyway
  • Tudor Avenue Alleyway
  • Five Bars Rest Seacombe
  • Egremont In Bloom
  • Friends of Vale Park
  • Liscard High Rise
  • Liscard Links
  • Leasowe In Bloom
  • Green Hut (Pasture Road)
  • Moreton In Bloom
  • Sunningdale High Rise
  • St James Community Garden
  • Beechwood, Ballantyne & Bidston In Bloom
  • Tam O’Shanter
  • Claughton Village In Bloom
  • Shamrock Community Gardens
  • Primrose Road Alleyway
  • The Avenue Club (Alverston Avenue) - Alleyway
  • HYPE Walled Garden
  • Tomorrow’s Women
  • Grange Neighbourhood Residents Ass. Planters x 4
  • YMCA Barrier Baskets – Charing Cross
  • YMCA Barriers baskets – Borough Road & Garden
  • Shaw Street Alleyway
  • Beaconsfield Community House
  • Refreshment Rooms
  • Oxton In Bloom
  • Callister Gardens
  • Arno Rose Gardens
  • Prenton Community Garden In Bloom (Prenton Rugby Club
  • Penton Hall In Bloom
  • Brackendale High Rise (Woodchurch)
  • Upton In Bloom
  • Green & Blooming Greasby
  • Pensby in Bloom

Wirral Globe:

Five Bars Rest's entry

Wirral's entries are all led by the community but supported by Wirral Council and partners including Onward, Magenta, Merseyside Police and Wirral Environmental Network.



Planning for the projects begins months in advance.

This year Wirral Council was able to draw on financial support through various funding streams such as the Government’s Welcome Back Fund, Wirral Together Fund and the Safer Streets 2 initiative. Support also involved more practical help such as the ordering and delivery of planters, award applications and coordination of the judges visits.

Wirral Globe:

Tudor Rd Alleyway 

Cllr Liz Grey, chair of Wirral's environment, climate emergency and transport committee, said: "I am always heartened to see the work that our residents put into the In Bloom displays. I’d like to thank all of our residents, everyone involved can quite rightly take pride in what they have done.

"The competition isn't just about plants and flowers. It brings communities together to work alongside each other to clean up and create a nicer place to live and work. It makes such a difference and benefits the community and wildlife."

The regional and national award winners will be announced in October.