“The safety of hundreds of women and birthing people from Black, Brown and mixed ethnicity backgrounds is being put at risk due to systemic racism within UK maternity care” 

This is the finding of a year-long inquiry from childbirth charity Birthrights which saw more than 300 people with lived and professional experience of racial injustice in a maternity setting give evidence to a panel of experts.

In the report, titled Systemic Racism, Not Broken Bodies evidence was given of microaggressions, harmful cultural assumptions from caregivers as well as coercion, incidents of physical and psychological harm and lack of choice and informed consent. 

Many also felt that concerns that they had raised about their own or their babies’ health were dismissed, ignored or disbelieved.

Wirral Globe: Roneeta Sait, associate director & solicitor specialising in medical negligenceRoneeta Sait, associate director & solicitor specialising in medical negligence (Image: Roneeta Sait, Associate Director and Clinical Negligence Solicitor)

Evidence was also given on the failures of policies and curriculums providing guidance on white bodies as the norm and leading to serious medical conditions, such as sepsis and jaundice, not being recognised due to skin colour.

Roneeta Sait, associate director & solicitor specialising in medical negligence at Jackson Lees, said: “This vital research gives a glimpse into some of the factors at play that are putting Black, Asian and mixed heritage people at risk when giving birth.

"I have previously written about the stark statistics of differing outcomes between white and non-white mothers and babies, with those of a minority ethnic background being at a significantly higher risk of maternal mortality or stillbirth than their non-white counterparts. 

“The Birthrights UK inquiry provides some insight into the reasons for the difference in outcomes.  While it must be appreciated that the causes of these discrepancies are multifactorial, what is most important is the need for urgent action to be taken at address this and ensure that the risks to expectant parents are minimised.”

Roneeta adds: “In addition to those findings set out within the Birthrights report, we have also heard first-hand accounts of expectant mothers receiving poor care due to medical staff responding to take appropriate steps in response to patients who do speak English as a first language, leading to them being left unable to effectively communicate with, or understand, their care and treatment providers.  It is imperative in these situations that an appropriate care plan is put in place at an early stage to ensure patient safety.

“It goes without saying that no one giving birth should expect lesser treatment because of their skin colour or heritage.”

Roneeta Sait and her team has a great deal of experience supporting people who have experienced negative outcomes in their maternal care, and our firm considers itself leaders in the fight for justice and equality.

We have represented hundreds of clients from Black and Minority backgrounds, whether within our Clinical Negligence Department or in other departments such as discrimination, immigration, and dating back to work that the firm conducted in the 1980s representing Black families in the wake of the Toxteth uprising.

Our clients can expect a high standard of client care, including, where needed, the assistance of translators or intermediaries to ensure that they are fully supported through the legal process.

If you or a loved one has been affected by substandard medical treatment, you may be able to claim medical negligence compensation to help you move on from this mistake and put your life back together.

For a free consultation with one of our legal team call us on 0808 159 8144 or email enquiry@jacksonlees.co.uk or visit our website www.jacksonlees.co.uk

If you have been injured by a medical professional, we are here to help you.

What we can do for you…

  • We deal with cases on a ‘no win, no fee basis’
  • We provide a dedicated team of lawyers supported by a doctor, nurse,  midwife and radiographer
  • We handle a full range of claims up to life changing injuries or those involving death of a loved one.
  • We have male and female solicitors available for sensitive issues
  • We can visit you at your home and out of hours if required
  • We are independently accredited as experts in this field by the Law Society and AvMA (Action against Medical Accidents).

If you feel you may have been mistreated medically, or if someone you care about has, please contact our dedicated team on 0808 159 8144 for a confidential chat with a legal expert.