THE Bushido Headquarters competed at the tournament in Southend over the weekend.

Juniors age from 6-17 have been training 2-3 times a week, juggling school, work and avoiding covid to prepare for the tournament.

The squad of 14 juniors won an impressive 13 medals.

The ‘little dragons’ (4–7-year-olds) have been building their confidence and fitness with fighting holds and sumo.

The juniors trained across five events which included kata ground fighting, continuous fighting which is split into sparring, randori and ground fighting, and random attacks which is an event were the student doesn’t know what attack they’ll have to defend from.

One of the members who competed, Alice (10), said: “I was so nervous but when I got on the mat, I remembered everything sensei said, and it was amazing! Next time though I want a gold medal like Milly.”

Alice’s mum, Adele, said: “Watching this competition saw all of the clubs’ hard work and determination come together! The support and passion that goes into teaching the children is incredible. We are like a family at Bushido HQ and that’s one of the reasons we love sending Alice.”

Wirral Globe:

Students also had to perform a street effective technique which working within the remit of the law allows the group to talk about the ramifications of their actions and the law.

Philip Rhodes 6th Dan, Chief instructor at the club, said: “I’m hugely proud of every member of our squad for their effort and dedication. They are a credit to themselves and their parents. Our whole club have been behind them by supporting and pressure testing them, and it has truly paid off.

“I am also so pleased that more women and girls are training in Ju Jitsu to give themselves defence skills and confidence.”

The students in the club will continue to train and are hoping to excel in the British Championships in September and the United Nations World Congress in Belgium in October.

Team captain, Milly (17), added: “It was a huge event, with people from all different places. It was a fun but tough experience. Everybody worked so hard, and I couldn’t be prouder of the students. Roll on next competition, I cannot wait to be away with my Ju Jitsu family once again.”

For more information about classes from 4-year-olds to adults, please contact the club secretary on: or visit the clubs Facebook page here.