THE funeral of a distinguished war veteran from Oxton who died at the age of 101 will take place later this week.

Mike Carr - an original member of Long Range Desert Group, an organisation adored by the SAS - passed away in his sleep on April 5.

His funeral will take place this Friday (April 29) at Landican (Central Chapel).

Wirral Globe:

Mike Carr. Picture: Oxton Society website

Known as 'Lofty' due to his height, he was a navigator in the LRDG and captured as a prisoner of war.

He escaped and walked for hundreds of miles, living off the land, until he was rescued by the American Army.

His career has featured in several history books, including The Long Range Desert Group in World War Two by renowned military historian Gavin Mortimer.

Following war service, Mike later worked in insurance and teaching.

Mike and wife Barbara were also very active members of The Oxton Society and celebrated their Diamond Wedding Anniversary in 2020.

Wirral Globe:

Mike 'Lofty' Carr and wife Barbara during celebration for their Diamond Wedding Anniversary. Picture: Mathew Mike

Paying tribute, close friend David Clarke told the Globe recently: "My wife Alison and I were next-door neighbours of Mike and Barbara for nearly 50 years from 1972 to 2021 (when we downsized just round the corner to Willan Street).

"They had lived at no.1 since 1960, the year after they married.

"In 1972 and the the rest of his working life Mike was an art teacher, having retrained as a teacher in his late 40s after a career in insurance before and after the war.

"There are many local people, now middle-aged, who remember him fondly as their art teacher.

"He was a fine artist, particularly of wildlife, but also a potter and wood carver. His house is full of his artwork.

"Barbara was also a teacher, a primary school headteacher in the 1970s and 80s.

"Of course Mike's main claim to fame was his war service in the North African desert in the Long Range Desert Group, the precursor of the SAS.

"He had grown up with an interest in astronomy and became an expert navigator.

"This skill is just as important in the featureless desert as it is at sea.

"The unit worked often behind enemy lines, surveilling and sabotaging the enemy and guiding friendly forces to safety.

"This was highly dangerous work and Mike was eventually captured, transported to prison camp in Poland, from which he eventually escaped and navigated himself on foot across Europe.

"Mike and Barbara were wonderful neighbours and we became firm friends. They helped us a great deal, caring for our house in earlier years when we were away.

"As he became more frail in the last few years, and Barbara cared for him devotedly while growing older herself, Alison or I visited them every day and gave them what support we could.

"We already miss him, and will continue to do all we can to support Barbara."

A tribute from the Oxton Society read: "Our sympathy and condolences go to Barbara who has been a tremendous support to Mike, especially in the last few years when Mike has been less active.

"Mike and Barbara are the longest living Oxton residents having bought their house in Fairclough Lane in 1960.

"They are also the longest serving members of the Society and active throughout.

"Mike performed the switch-on for Oxton’s Xmas lights in 2019 when he was 99 years of age."