WIRRAL politicians have called for the Prime Minister and Chancellor to resign after it emerged that both are expected to receive fines amid investigation in lockdown parties at Downing Street.

No 10 confirmed this afternoon that Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak will be issued with fines for breaches of Covid-19 regulations following allegations of lockdown parties in Downing Street and Whitehall, a No 10 spokeswoman said.

Responding to the news on social media, Wallasey Labour MP, Dame Angela Eagle tweeted: "The Chancellor’s PM has lied to the House if Commons - he must now resign"

Birkenhead Labour MP Mick Whitley said: "Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak broke the law and then lied about it for months and misled Parliament.

"This is a matter of trust. This is a matter of integrity. They cannot be trusted and probably couldn’t even spell integrity.

"I am furious that these law breakers brazenly flouted their own rules while so many stuck to them and were unable to mourn their close relatives, visit their elderly parents or be with their loved ones as they suffered, and too often died, in isolation in our hospitals.

"While so many struggled Johnson, Sunak and who knows who else partied like there was no tomorrow. They are a disgrace. Enough is enough. They must both resign.”

Wirral South MP Alison McGovern told the Globe: "People in the Wirral, like British people everywhere, made extraordinary and painful sacrifices throughout the pandemic.

"We abided by the rules, they broke them.

"Today's news will bring back the trauma many have suffered. It’s a scandal and they both must resign. This isn’t a joke anymore."

Wirral West MP Margaret Greenwood commented: "It is an unprecedented state of affairs that the Prime Minister and Chancellor have broken the law.

"They brought in lockdown restrictions and called on the public to play their part in tackling Covid 19, yet they themselves broke the rules.

"People made huge sacrifices in order to follow lockdown restrictions and went through heart-breaking experiences. Some were unable to be with loved ones at the end of their lives, others could not visit seriously ill friends or relatives and those living in care homes were left without much-needed visits from family members.

"I know from the emails that I have received just how upset people have been about reports of parties in Number 10. Now we know for sure: Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak ignored the rules and broke the law.

"They have betrayed people's trust.

"Nobody is above the law. They should both resign. "

Wirral Council leader Janette Williamson tweeted: "They partied whilst my residents couldn't see, hug, care for or say goodbye to their loved ones. Reprehensible."



The spokesperson for No 10 said earlier: "The Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer have today received notification that the Metropolitan police intend to issue them with fixed penalty notices.

"We have no further details, but we will update you again when we do."



More than 50 referrals for fines have been made off the back of lockdown parties at Downing Street and Whitehall, Police have said.



The Metropolitan Police said at least 30 more fixed penalty notices will be issued by the ACRO Criminal Records Office. This is up from the 20 referrals for fixed-penalty notices (FPN) the force said had been made at the end of March.

Scotland Yard said it was “making every effort to progress this investigation at speed”, with the possibility of more fines to come.