Adrian Whiteley, Headteacher of The Mosslands School says, “I am immensely proud to lead the Mosslands School, it is a school that has a history that started with its creation as a Technical Grammar school, the first of its kind in the country and its mission to combine technical and vocational skills with an academic curriculum continue to this day. 

We are a centre of excellence for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths (commonly known as STEAM), subjects that underpin British economy. We have received the STEM school of the year award twice in the past 4 years. We value academic performance, practical skills and the development of character equally.

My staff have the highest expectations for every student, supporting them to become lifelong learners and good citizens ready to contribute positively to the wider, diverse community. We, in partnership with families work to develop a sense of ambition in our boys by creating high quality learning opportunities – both inside and outside of the classroom – to develop knowledge, skills and good habits necessary to succeed in a technologically advanced world.
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We expect all members of our community to work together, to value the contribution of others and to contribute positively to everything they do. We teach our boys to be tolerant of others, to take pride in the school and to set high standards for themselves.

We always have the highest expectations for ourselves and others and through sharing a common purpose, we build a strong sense of belonging that gives them confidence to face the many challenges that come their way.”

Mosslands is a caring and friendly school with an unswerving commitment to the pursuit of lifelong learning for all as the route to a good quality of life after school in preparation for adulthood.

For more information, head to the website:

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