THE 97th victim of the Hillsborough disaster is set to be awarded the freedom of Wirral in a rare posthumous honour.

Andrew Devine, 55, died 32 years after suffering severe and irreversible brain damage at Hillsborough in 1989, making him the the 97th victim of the disaster. 

His family’s statement was released through Liverpool Football Club after he died last year: “Our collective devastation is overwhelming but so too is the realisation that we were blessed to have had Andrew with us for 32 years since the Hillsborough tragedy.”

Lifelong Liverpool FC fan Andrew was a much loved son, brother and uncle. He had been supported by his family and a team of dedicated carers, all of whom devoted themselves to him. Despite his life-changing injuries, he continued to attend matches at Anfield, where he was well-loved by his fellow fans.

Cllr Janette Williamson, leader of Wirral Council, will put forward the motion to give Andrew the freedom of the borough at tonight’s meeting of full council.

She says: “What happened at Hillsborough and the cover-up that followed is a national disgrace.

“The courage and determination of the families and campaigners is an inspiration to us all.

“In 2017, we were honoured to award the freedom of the borough to the 96 men, women and children, who lost their lives in the disaster. Now, it is fitting that we award it to Andrew, the 97th person to be unlawfully killed. We understand that the grief is very raw for Andrew’s family and friends, so it will be a sensitive ceremony, following their wishes.”

There will also be a motion put forward that would see Wirral take part in the Real Truth Legacy Project. This is a campaign led by Hillsborough families and survivors with Ian Byrne MP to ensure that current and future generations learn the truth about Hillsborough, and to ensure that schoolchildren in Liverpool City Region have access to a definitive account of the disaster and the subsequent cover-up. 

Proposed by Labour Councillors Paul Martin and Tony Cottier, who is a survivor of the Hillsborough tragedy, it would also support an annual Hillsborough Day in Liverpool City Region primary and secondary schools, with a special assembly to mark the anniversary and to learn more about the disaster and the fight for justice. Teaching resource packs would be made available to every school in the city region by local education leads.