A WIRRAL MP is backing a campaign by the National Education Union (NEU) calling on the Government to commit to eradicating child poverty in the UK and to leave no child behind.

Margaret Greenwood's support comes after new data released last week by the End Child Poverty coalition showed that 2,367 children in Wirral West were trapped in poverty in 2019-20.

Across the UK, it is estimated that 30% of children – 4.3 million – were living in poverty over the same year. That’s equivalent to nine pupils in a school class of 30.

A separate NEU survey published in January of this year showed that 55% of those responding had seen an increase in child poverty at their school or college since the start of the first national coronavirus lockdown in March 2020.

The union is warning that 730,000 more children will fall into poverty by 2024 unless the government takes urgent action.

Margaret Greenwood, MP for West Wirral, said: "I fully support the campaign launched by the National Education Union to end child poverty.

"It is wholly unacceptable that one fifth of children in Wirral West and nearly a third of children across the UK were living in poverty during 2019-20.

"Poverty can have a devastating impact on children’s lives, hindering their physical development, their ability to learn and their happiness.

"We live in one of the richest countries in the world, yet we have children going hungry and families needing to get help from food banks. Children need nutritious meals and warm homes to thrive.

"The government should make tackling child poverty a priority. The future of millions of children depends upon it.

"I would encourage people to take a look at the NEU's campaign and give it their support."

You can find out more about the NEU’s No Child Left Behind campaign by visiting https://nochildleftbehind.org.uk/