More than 8,000 hampers of food and 9,000 activity packs are being delivered to families in need of support across Wirral.

The community backed effort, is being made possible after Wirral Council secured more than £1.2 million from the Government’s Covid Winter Grant Scheme.

More than £385,000 is being dedicated to helping support families and children over the holidays who receive free school meals, early years pupil premium and students in need of additional support at Wirral Met and The Sixth Form College.

Neo Community has been coordinating the project on behalf of the council with 23 other community groups, charities and organisations, together with schools, nurseries and Children’s centres, playing a huge role in organising, packing, and delivering the packs to families eligible for the support.

Leader of Wirral Council, Cllr Janette Williamson said: “This is a fantastic example of how strong the Wirral community is. It is an exceptional partnership effort to help make sure those families and children in the borough who need support get it.

“No one should struggle for food and this project works to ensure there is help available. Thank you to all the partners for playing a crucial part in this project, it will help many families in need."  

Families will receive hampers of food, fresh fruit and vegetables alongside activity packs for children. Sensory activity packs are being included for children with special educational needs.

Adam Mellor, Development Manager from Neo Community who is co-ordinating the delivery of the project, which is overseen by representatives from Wirral Council, Edsential, Community Action Wirral, Feeding Birkenhead Supporting Wirral, Neo Community and Wirral Development Trust, said: “In partnership with Wirral Council we have embarked on this ambitious and innovative project to reach families that need more support during Christmas and February Half term.

“We are so proud of the partnerships and collaboration that has continued from the start of this year to now, our amazing friends and colleagues across the Wirral have really stepped up and are committed to ensuring all families can access as much support during this difficult year. Neo is proud of playing a small role in this initiative.”

The secured funding, plus a further £200,000 from emergency Covid funds, will also see support for families during the February half term when the project will take place again.

If you’re struggling to afford food visit for a list of support that’s available, call Wirral’s Coronavirus Helpline on 666 5050 or visit