THE streetscape at Tower Road in Birkenhead is beginning to change following planting of 70 trees using an "innovative" system.

The work on Tower Road, now scheduled for completion in Spring, aims to create "a new and improved" street design, which brings green infrastructure into the urban environment and making sustainable travel more accessible.

As part of the £3.2 million project, designed and delivered in partnership with Peel L&P, additional funds were secured from European Structural Investment Fund (ESIF) and Wirral Waters Investment Fund to plant 130 trees using a planting system designed for on-street trees.

The system used at the site, is called a Silva Cell system. Each cell is composed of a base, posts and a deck creating a frame that sits underground for the trees to be planted into.

The frame takes the weight from traffic using the route to stop the trees getting damaged whilst also providing enough space and room for the tree roots to grow without damaging the road and pavement surrounding it.

This system also allows the rainwater to be collected from the highway to help water the trees.

Cllr Liz Grey, chair of Wirral's environment, climate emergency and transport committee, said: "With the planting season officially in full swing, it is great to see trees being planted as part of our major highways schemes too, especially as these trees are larger and more substantial in comparison to the smaller trees, known as whips, used for community plantings.

"The trees being planted will not only help to reduce harmful pollution in this busy area but projects like this all help the council to reach its commitment to double the borough’s tree cover by 2030.

"The project at Tower Road has consideration for the environment at its heart as alongside the planting of trees, the scheme is built around creating an infrastructure that is fit for the future and more suitable for sustainable transport.

"Making cycling more accessible is vital as we are all becoming more climate conscious when we travel.”

Further works within the Tower Road scheme will see pavements widened and road width reduced to give more space and priority to pedestrians and cyclists, whilst still allowing cars, buses, delivery vans, HGV’s and other vehicles to efficiently use the road.