A DOG has died from rat poisoning which its owner thinks was picked up from a poisoned sausage in Birkenhead Park.

Missy, a nine-year-old Jack Russell crossed with a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, died on Monday, but her owner thinks Missy took in the poison after visiting Birkenhead Park on Thursday.

The dog’s owner herself was too upset to speak to the Local Democracy Reporting Service.

But her auntie, Lisa Minnis, said: "My niece Zoe, along with her little four-year-old Lucas and partner Jordan, went for a family walk to Birkenhead Park on Thursday and that's when Missy ate a sausage she'd found on the floor.

"Her little boy [Lucas] is heartbroken, he opened the backdoor this morning to let Missy out, but then remembered Missy wasn't there anymore.

"Zoe hasn't told him Missy was poisoned, she just told him Missy got poorly."

The news sparked fear among dog owners who use the park.

One dog owner, who wished to remain anonymous, told the LDRS that her dog recently passed away and she believes it had been poisoned at Birkenhead Park.

She said: "We don't know how she picked it up, all we know is that my dog went to Birkenhead Park on Sunday, January 19, felt really poorly Sunday night and deteriorated very quickly.

"So we took her to the vets [and] blood tests did show poisoning, but they thought it was her immune system attacking her red blood cells.

"But then she got rushed for another blood test on Friday morning where it was confirmed it was more likely to be poison and she had to be put to sleep."

Many people posting online wanted to make sure other dogs avoided the same fate.

On the Facebook group Crimewatch Wirral, Sarah Irving said: "Be careful where you take your dogs."

Joanna Harvey said: "So sorry to hear this, but thanks so much for the warning. My mum walks her dog around there but she's not on Facebook anymore so I've warned her."

But worries are not limited to Birkenhead Park.

Tagging her friend in a post on the same group, Sue Ledder said: "Rat poison had been put out at Egremont a few days ago, sorry I can't remember which day, approx Friday or Saturday.

"I just wanted you to be aware just in case the rat poison had been put there too. I hope that your dog will be ok."

A spokesperson for Wirral Council said: "We have not received any reports of animals falling ill after visiting Birkenhead Park.

"But if anyone does have any evidence of a dog being poisoned, they should report it to Merseyside Police or the RSPCA."