A senior councillor’s crusade against overflowing litter bins in Wirral shopping centres has prompted a promise to tighten up street cleaning procedures.

Following complaints from Liberal Democrat leader Cllr Phil Gilchrist, the local authority has ordered a constant review of emptying schedules and started a £40,000-a-year programmed replacement of open-topped bins to bigger, more enclosed receptacles.

Contractors Biffa have identified extra resources to empty litter bins at retail centres over the weekend with priority being given to areas with the highest footfall.

The public will be expected to play their part by taking litter home, and special signs will be posted to encourage people to dispose of rubbish responsibly.

Talks will also be held with local  businesses to identify measures for greater efficiency in litter and waste management.

Kevin Adderley, Wirral Council’s strategic director for regeneration and environment, said: “Ensuring the borough’s litter bins are emptied when full is a key priority for the council and we intend to promote much more widespread use of litter bins alongside encouraging residents to take their litter home if there are no litter bins present.

“As the frequency of the cleanse has reduced across the borough litter bins are not being emptied as often as part of a scheduled cleanse.

“Four, two-man ‘neighbourhood teams’ have therefore been set up and their primary function is to empty litter bins within their constituency areas. 

"This will need to be improve over the next six months to optimise the efficiency of the work.

“Reports from the public and elected members via Streetscene about overflowing bins will help Biffa to identify areas that need visiting more regularly.”

Councillor Gilchrist, who had demanded an overhaul of cleansing arrangement “to sort out the unsightly mess of overflowing litter bins,”  said: “I am looking forward to the promised changes. They look like a positive response to the unsightly scenes.

“It would have been better to have got this right at the start."

“I am relieved that my concerns have been recognised,” he added.