THE Prime Minister has praised a Wirral community group for breathing new life into local gardens.

David Cameron wrote to The Friends of Hoylake and Meols in Bloom to commend them on “helping the village to smile” and highlighted their dedication.

The group, which was set up in 2007, work all year round to create floral displays along Market Street including the roundabout and pavement tubs.

And now their voluntary work has been recognised by Mr Cameron after Wirral West MP flagged up their community spirit.

In a letter, he wrote: “I was extremely impressed to learn of the sheer scale of the planting you carry out to brighten up every aspect of the villages of Hoylake and Meols from the roundabout, through Market Street to Parade Gardens.

“This must take an a enormous amount of organisation and considerable annual cost, relying on donations to purchase plants, bulbs and compost.

"To make this a reality you must require a vast team of supporters to assist in various capacities.”

He added: “You and your team have managed to create a unique atmosphere in Hoylake and Meols as a vibrant place full of life, for the enjoyment of local residents and to attract visitors to Wirral.

"I think this is a wonderful example of how a community can come together to achieve something positive and to celebrate the place in which they live.”

And Friends group chairman Mike Foster said they were “delighted” that they had been recognised by the Prime Minister.

He said: “It is a wonderful accolade to everybody involved with the Friends, be it supporters, members or sponsors but especially our volunteers who make it all possible.

“To be recognised by the head of the country, regardless of you political persuasion is a big achievement and we hope we can create more interest in what we do and continue to benefit the community.”

To find out more about The Friends of Hoylake and Meols in Bloom, visit