THE artistic work of a Wirral schoolgirl has won a nation-wide competition by high street retail giant Marks & Spencer.

Emily Keen, from Brookhurst Primary School in Bromborough, was among pupils across the country who put their knowledge of subjects including history, art and English to the test and create a piece of advertising using archive resources from M&S’s new “eLearning Hub.”

Emily’s poster, which was inspired by the department store’s logo, was awarded top prize. It will now be displayed in the temporary exhibition space at the supermarket giant’s archives in Leeds.

Two runners up, Emma-Jane Cooper and Max Hocker, both from the same school, will also have their work on display at the archive.

Ten-year-old Emily, said: “I’m so excited to win this competition and have my work on display.

“I was inspired by the archive’s logo but wanted to use really bright colours to make it eye-catching. It was really fun to learn about Marks & Spencer and see pictures of it through time. I can’t wait to learn more about it with my class.”

Alison Houston, head of the archive, said: “We were delighted to see so many creative entries from schools across the country.

“However, there could only be one winner and we felt that Emily’s entry really reflected the potential of the resources available.

“We are very proud to be displaying this winning piece in our archive and welcome people to come and view it.”

The eLearning Hub includes material from the company’s 129-year history; from wartime records and images, to information on how budding entrepreneur Michael Marks took a penny bazaar stall and, with Tom Spencer, built it into a high street staple.

Liz Davidson, headteacher of Brookhurst Primary School, said: “The Marks & Spencer eLearning Hub was a fantastic resource.

“Not only did it allow the pupils to better engage with the competition, it brought the task to life through multimedia and games.

“I’m delighted that one of our pupils has won this award.”