A WIRRAL MP is hoping a legal ruling against a north London local authority could help her campaign to drive down car parking charges in West Kirby.

The high court victory for residents of the borough of High Barnet – who rebelled against a steep rise in charges for parking permits - will force all councils to stop using parking charges as a means to raise revenue.

Residents in Barnet began legal action against the council in 2011 after it increased the cost of parking permits from £40 to £100 and vouchers for visitors from £1 to £4.

On Monday at the high court Mrs Justice Lang declared the legislation under which Barnet had increased the charges, the 1984 Road Traffic Regulation Act "is not a fiscal measure and does not authorise the authority to use its powers to charge local residents for parking in order to raise surplus revenue for other transport purposes".

Earlier this year, Wirral Council “harmonised” parking charges across the borough to those in Birkenhead.

It meant a massive rise for West Kirby where fees rocketed from 30p to £1.05 for an hour's parking.

Wirral West MP Esther McVey has been campaigning in the Globe for the council to re-think the decision.

But in June, council leader Phil Davies told our reporters: “I think Ms McVey has got a bit of a cheek to lecture us for trying to bring more income into the council when it is her Government which has forced this situation on us by cutting our spending.”

Now Ms Mcvey has written to the council’s chief executive, Graham Burgess, asking that the increase in parking charges in West Kirby and other areas of Wirral be reconsidered following the Barnet judgement.

Miss McVey said today: "I accept this may be a slightly different situation to the significant rise in parking charges at West Kirby Concourse and other towns in Wirral.

"But the comments of Mrs Justice Lang in reference to the Road Traffic Regulation Act  would seem to confirm parking charges are about managing congestion - not raising revenue.

“This raises concerns about the situation in West Kirby where the 360% increase in council parking fees is serving to drive cars out onto other roads in the town where drivers do not have to pay.

"This is increasing congestion throughout West Kirby and I am sure that scenario also applies to other areas throughout the borough that have been hit with these huge hikes in parking fees .

“My concern is these parking charges are serving as a fiscal measure to raise revenue for other council services that might not be within the spirit of the law.

"I hope that, given the Barnet ruling, Wirral Council now thinks again.”

Wirral cabinet member for highways Cllr Harry Smith said he was unaware of the High Barnet ruling but would take steps to ensure the council is acting lawfully.